My cancer therapy - rectum cancer 

German version ".



After a combined chemo-radio therapy (for 6 weeks) an improvement (reduction of the tumour from 7 to approx. 3 cm) had occurred. The latent dull pain had given way to only slight pressure and my condition was much better. But still, an operation with removal of the tumour and the sphincter muscle was to be carried out (certainly a drastic intervention in my future life, with the operation not resulting in any security).

It was clear to me that this would only be the very last measure still wanting to take every opportunity to remove the tumour in any other possible way or at least to reduce it even further, with the possible chance of saving the sphincter muscle. I then started with three new therapeutic approaches.

After three weeks only, there was less pressure and later on completely gone. My general condition was better than ever before. After a 3/4 year, endoscopy and CT showed no tumor and no metastases. This therapy I'll continue until the next examination at the end of the year. 

The therapy required discipline, a complete change of life and had to be carried out consistently. It was also important to strengthen the immune system by daily walking (2 - 4 km) and swimming or at least cold showers or washing.

Meditation was very helpful and facilitated a positive attitude.

For the chemo- and radiotherapy, it is very helpful to start with the Padma28 and broccoli seed concentrate (SulforaphanGlucoSinolat) administration and a change to a ketogenic nutrition. 

During the therapy, there was constant monitoring by the attending physician, a CT/MRI examination at least every six months and monthly blood tests. In my case, an endoscopy was also performed every six months. It is obviously not an easy decision. Basically, if you go for such a therapy it is of course your own responsibility and certainly not without risk, of which you should be aware. It is difficult to say which of the therapy approaches was the most effective. Probably, it was the interaction of all of them that brought about the resounding success. 

1. Ketogenic nutritional therapy (Universitätsklinik Würzburg)

This therapy has had amazing success with cancer treatments there.

It means no or very little carbohydrates and sugar (cancer cells feed on sugar/carbohydrates. If they do not get them, they stagnate or die. The healthy cells convert to ketones).

2. Herbal cancer therapy

The herbal therapy consists of Padma28, a cancer therapy of concentrated herbs, calamus root extract and broccoli seed concentrate (SulforaphanGlucoSinolat). 

a. Padma28 has been proven to have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the immune system and prevents metastasis (spread of the cancer) See also the film: "The knowledge of healing".

b. Herbal concentrate and calamus root extract strengthens the immune system, prevents tumour growth and causes tumour cells to die

c.  Broccoli seed concentrate (SulforaphanGlucoSinolate) has the following effect: Cancer stem cells are largely immune. Sulforaphane blocks a certain metabolic pathway in cancer stem cells and leads to their decline.

3. Organic carrot juice (active ingredients: Falcarinol, vitamin A) 

Daily administration of at least 1 liter (very important)

Extract quantities, dosage as I have used them, and side effects for me:

Herbal extract consists of:

120 g Große Klette - Arctium lappa, cut up

80 g Wiesen-Sauerampfer - Rumex acetosa, cut up

20 g Rotulmenrinde - Ulmus rubra, powdered

5 g Türkische Rhabarberwurzel - Rheum palmatum, powdered

The ingredients may be available from the pharmacy Dr. Bruhin Zurich Switzerland (get in touch with Dr. Bruhin personally)

The production is a bit laborious:

5 Liter Boil spring water or distilled water in a stainless steel pot (do not use aluminium pots) for a few minutes.

Add 150 grams of well-mixed herbs and boil for 10 minutes with the lid on. Stir occasionally - with a wooden spoon.

Leave extract with the lid on for 12 hours. Stir after 6 hours.

After the extract has brewed, heat it again, but this time it must not boil. Let it cool down for a few minutes.

Sieve the extract into a new container (use stainless steel or glass). It is recommended not to use plastic or aluminium sieves. After the first sieving, you can use a juice bag or coffee filter for fine sieving.

The 5 litres of water with herbs make up about 3½ litres of finished extract.
The finished, still warm extract is poured into dark bottles with tightly closing screw caps and stored in the refrigerator, but must not be frozen.
The extract is not preserved and is therefore easily attacked by mould. This places great demands on hygiene during preparation. If mould develops, the contents must be thrown away and the bottle must be washed thoroughly before reuse. Kitchen utensils can be cleaned with boiling water.


Dilute 60 - 120 ml of finished extract with an appropriate amount of hot spring water or distilled water.
 The above-mentioned dose should be drunk 2 - 3 times a day on an empty stomach in small sips.
 Good times for taking it are early in the morning and before going to bed.
 Do not eat anything for at least one hour after taking the extracts.

is a Tibetan herbal medicine in capsule form available at the pharmacy Dr. Bruhin Zürich Schweiz (get in touch with Dr. Bruhin personally)

3 x 2 capsules daily half an hour before meals

roccoli seed concentrate (SulforaphanGlucoSinolat) capsules of 30 - 50 mg available at any pharmacy  

1 capsule daily in the morning.  

Calamus root, unpeeled, crushed, available at the pharmacy Dr. Bruhin Zürich Schweiz (get in touch with Dr. Bruhin personally))

Leave 1 teaspoon in 125 ml cold water overnight. One sip daily before and after each meal.

Sodium bicarbonate, available at any supermarket

3 times a day 1 teaspoon with molasses or sugar dissolved in water before each meal.

In addition, a cup of Pu-Erh tea in the morning (relieves the liver) and a hawthorn tea at noon (protects the heart).

Side effects: I didn't notice apart from the daily carrot juice: feet, hands, and parts of the skin became yellowish.

I gladly accepted that. I have had no other negative side effects.

Positive side effects were a considerable increase in performance when walking and other efforts. My mild existing gout symptoms disappeared completely.

Any questions? Please turn to Jergan Janssen-Jerom  E-Mail: